
The QIM data repository is a collection of µCT scans of different samples, and can be freely used for example for developing and testing

The repository is available here: QIM data repository.

Most of the scans are recorded on our lab scanners in the 3D Imaging Center at DTU (3DIM) and have a resolution of about 1000 voxels cubed, so most of the images are several GB in size. Therefore, it can take time to download the data. To make it easier to decide which image to download, we have made visualizations of the scans showing example slices, 3D renderings, and intensity distributions, so you can get an idea of the image content. We have also created downscaled versions of some of the scans, such that you can download a smaller sample.


If you use the data for research, please acknowledge our data repository by including “this data was downloaded from the QIM data repository https://qim.compute.dtu.dk/data-repository/. If there is a special requirement to cite a paper associated with the data, then this will be clearly shown where you download the data.

You can find more resources and information at QIM, the Center for quantification of Imaging Data from MAX IV.


QIM 3D data repository is a joint effort. Most QIM people have contributed to the repository, and a lot of our data comes from the 3DIM. Here we list those directly involved in preparing the data and maintaining the page.

Vedrana A. Dahl

Started the repository. vand@dtu.dk

Anders B. Dahl

Head of QIM. abda@dtu.dk

Rasmus Tuxen

Alumni QIM student programmer. Added stuff to the repository.

Dirk Müter

Scanned our items at 3DIM.

Hans Martin Kjer

Researcher making cool visualization. hmkj@dtu.dk.

Carsten Gundlach

Running 3DIM. cagu@fysik.dtu.dk